14 key benefits from charcoal

Do you know that charcoal can
-heal ulcer?
-remove pimples and other patches on the face?
-equally heal wounds

Then read my little research on charcoal
Charcoal is one of the most
disregarded products at home. We
only see the need for it when it is
time to set fire for Banku.
However, if you really need first aid,
charcoal is something you need to
have on you all the time. You might
not know this but it is one of the
most medicinal products you can
have at home due to its poison
extraction ability.
In case you never gave it much
attention, this is the time to do so.
Here are *13* benefits of charcoal
you never thought about.
1. *#Preventing_Odour*.
Does your shoe smell bad? Just get
some charcoal & put it in them. Do
you have any bad smell in your
room? Drop some charcoal where
you suspect the smell could be
coming from. Does your fridge or
freezer smell? Put a piece of
charcoal in it. Do you have strong
body odour? Just make a powder out
of charcoal & use.
Charcoal is very good at getting rid
of bad smell. Ever wondered why
your parents always scooped out the
ash from the coal pot to pour in the
hen coop or toilet before sweeping?
That was to get rid of the odour.
2. *#Keeping_Food_Fresh*.
If you want your vegetables to be
fresh all the time, just make a
solution out of charcoal & leave your
vegetables in them. Thank us later.
3. *#Removing_Toxins_From_Food*.
These days, people complain about
the use of fertilizers on plants &
vegetables, making them
unwholesome & poisonous. If you
have charcoal, you don’t need to
worry about this. All you need to do
is leave the vegetables in a charcoal
solution overnight & it’ll take care of
the toxins. If you suspect any food
contains too many chemicals, just
drop them in a charcoal solution for
some hours & you’re good to go.
4. *#For_Teeth_Whitening*.
If you want to whiten your teeth, pay
no attention to all these adverts on
whitening chemicals & technology.
Just get yourself some charcoal &
grab hold of a plantain stalk. Make a
powder out of the charcoal, mash the
tip of the plantain stalk, dip it into
the charcoal powder & brush your
teeth with it for a week.
5. *#Restoring_Soup_That_Went_
Did your groundnut soup or palm nut
soup go bad? No need to worry about
pouring it all away. Just put it back
on fire & drop a piece of charcoal in
it. This will extract all the bad taste &
smell & restore the soup to its fresh
6. *#Detoxifying*.
Do you have a hangover out of a
drink out with friends the previous
night? Just have some charcoal with
you & chew on it. To make it more
effective, make a nice solution out of
it & drink. You’re good to go.
7. *#Neutralizing_Alcohol*.
If you mistakenly did some wild
mixing & feel it can knock you out,
just add some charcoal to the mixture
& your problem is solved. Or if you
took in too much alcohol, just drink
some charcoal solution & you’re
good to go.
8. *#Healing_Wounds*.
Do you have a situation where
someone’s wound has become so
infected to the state doctors are
saying they have to cut the affected
area? Don’t stress over it, get a large
amount of charcoal powder & pour it
on the wound. This will extract all
the poison from the wound & also
help it heal faster. If you have a cut
& you want to treat it fast, just get
some powdered charcoal & pour on
9. *#Water_Filtration*.
Do you feel your water is
contaminated? You don’t need all
these products on the market.
Charcoal can do better, just drop
some amount of it in it. Don’t worry
about the colour, it is safe, you can
even chew on charcoal. It is far safer
than eating chicken from KFC.
10. *#Skin_Cleansing*.
Do you have pimples, acne or any
skin disease you really want to get
rid of or do you want a very smooth
face or skin? All you need is
charcoal. Make a thick solution out
of it & smear it on your body & leave
it on for some hours before taking
your bath. It will leave your skin
smooth & fresh.
11. *#Stain_Removal*.
Do you have some stubborn stain in
your kitchen, washroom or on your
tiles? You actually need charcoal to
get rid of it. I know you’re imagining
how this black stainy product can
actually remove stains right? Just try
it, it works like magic.
12. *#Getting_rid_of_a_Bloated_
If you ate or drank something & feel
bloated, charcoal is the best solution
to get rid of the bloating.
13. *#Gets_Rid_of_bad_Cholesterol*.
Making a solution out of it & drinking
helps eliminate all the bad
cholesterol you have stored in you.
14. *#Ulcer_Treatment*.
Charcoal can treat all ulcers. Just
make it a habit to always chew some.
Culled by Mc Funnynation
lalasticlala mynd44 seun please
come and move it to FP as it may
help some people


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