Why You Are Not Making Money Online With the numerous opportunities available to make money online, many people complain of not making any money online. Whether you just started or you have been at it for years this post will be explaining some reasons why you are yet to make money online. 1. You Don’t Know How To! Many people believe that making money online is very simple and they think all you need to make money online is a school certificate or one background offline working experience. No! The offline world is absolutely different from the online world and the fact that you are a professor in economics does not mean you will make money online. You have to learn it and implement it. 2. You Buy Everything You See! I have a friend who told me to teach his uncle how to make money online, the uncle has already read a data entry website sales page and believed joining the programme will help him make tons of dollars (just as the sales page says), I told him it is not like that bu...
This is very sad. A woman, late Deaconess Juliana Adaeze Wagoha and her daughter identified as Dr Elizabeth Ihuoma Wagoha, have died tragically leaving their family and friends in lament. According to reports gathered, the 49-year-old woman was said to be travelling with her 25-year-old daughter from their base at Port-Harcourt, Rivers state to Onitsha in order to get some things for her (daughter's) wedding meant to take place in two weeks ago- before tragedy struck. The pair both died in a fatal accident. Their burial arrangements have been concluded as they are to be laid to rest on Friday, December 22. May their souls rest in peace. Facebook user, Chinyeaka Jane, shared the below online; May this, never be our portion, in our season of celebration........... She was just 49 , a Registrar in a University. Her first child/daughter was already a Medical doctor at 25 And about to get married. Invitations have gone out and they were just waiting for the ...
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